Waterfall Painting In Bedroom

Waterfall Painting In Bedroom

Fengshui Paintings In Your Office

Whether you work at home, at a big office or at a small cubicle in your office – the vibes around your workspace influence your passion, creativity, success and growth. Everything in our universe has power to influence the surrounding. In the same way, everything that surrounds you at your workplace has power to influence your life energy. Then why not channelize these energies for your best? And the best and easiest way to do that is hanging FengShui Paintings in your office. Paintings are not just for decorating your walls but also your life and Fengshui Paintings do exactly the same by attracting positive energy 'Chi' in your life. FengShui paintings bring prosperity, success, wealth and good luck in your life.

Bamboo Painting:

In Fengshui, Bamboo is a symbol of growth and development in life. Hanging a bamboo painting on the south-east and east walls brings luck and wealth. It also protects you from negative vibes.


Koi Fish Painting:

In Fengshui, Koi fish represents fire element that influences flow of finances in your life.koi Fish painting is a combination of two- water that stands for flow and Koi fish that stands for power and strength. A koi Fish Painting at the entrance of your office ensures flow of wealth in abundance in your life. While hanging the koi Fish Painting, you should make sure that fish should swim into your office and not out of it.

Koi Fish - 3021

8 Galloping Horses Painting :

In Fengshui, it is believed that a painting of 8 galloping horses in your office or cabin boosts your luck while facing challenges at workplace or business. Galloping horses represent strength, courage, speed, power and endurance while number 8 represents eight aspirations of life-Career, Children, Recognition, Health, Progress, Marriage, Education, and Happiness. Hanging a painting of 8 galloping horses on the South wall of your office fulfills all your aspirations – bringing fame, recognition, triumph and promotion, steady and speedy growth, and success in career and life.

8 Horse

Waterfall Painting:

Water is considered as one of the most auspicious element in fengshui. Running water represents flow and abundance. It is believed to boost flow of money in abundance in your life. North wall of your office is considered to be best for hanging waterfall painting. Avoid hanging water fall paintings on south walls since this area corresponds to fire energy and we all know water will extinguish fire and so will your will and desire to work and achieve success.


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artfactory.in is an online art gallery committed to providing authentic Vaastu and FengShui Paintings. We present you with a space completely dedicated to vaastu and Fengshui collection. Our vaastu And FengShui collection is a result of an ongoing process of long consultation and discussion with  the panel of vaastu and fengshui experts. Each and every vaastu and fengshui painting, created at ArtFactory, is developed keeping in mind the minute details provided by our experts of vaastu and FengShui. Our vaastu and fengshui paintings have an aura of authenticity, positivity and energy thus giving the expected and desired results to our customers……..with many of them vowing  to that in their feedbacks.



Now-a-days many online sellers have come up like mushrooms to bank on the customers demand of authentic vaastu and fengshui paintings. These sellers sell cheap quality fake paintings with no relevance or so to vaastu and fengShui principles. As a result, the paintings do not have the positive influence on the buyers……sometimes creating negative vibes or effects due to wrong method of development.

ArtFactory, over a period of time, has developed a huge base of satisfied customers all over the world and aspire to elaborate our list by serving more and more people with our services.

For more details visit : www.artfactory.in

Who doesn't like to beautify their home? While most people have a fondness of assembling antique furniture, a few like to amass fine-looking paintings, photographs or wall hanging. According to Vaastu Shastra, people should be conscious of what they are pulling together around them, especially in case of paintings, photos or wall hangings. When we get all conscious about the right furniture, curtains, even placemats, then why we don't bother about the stuff we put up on walls?

Vaastu has laid down some rules regarding the ideal positioning of pictures and paintings. Vaastu has laid down some directions and locations where these pictures and paintings can have maximum positive or negative effects.

Some of the tips about the direction and location of paintings and pictures to leverage maximum positive effects are:

Everyone loves to have family pictures and portraits displayed in one's home. The best place to hang these pictures is the South-West wall, as this placement increases bond and harmony between the relationships. It is advised that you should never place your family pictures in Eastern or Northern corner of the house.



If water is the main element in your painting such as waterfall painting or flowing river painting or Koi fish painting, the best suitable place to hang such pictures is the Northern wall of your house. Water is an ancient symbol of wealth and prosperity. In fengshui waterfall or fountain paintings bring abundant flow of wealth and good fortune.


Similarly, the painting of Seven or Eight horses should be positioned only on the Southern wall as it is a zone of your fame and reputation. Horses' painting on south wall bring fame, recognition and triumph, mobility and promotion, bring steady and speedy growth in fame and success in career and life.

8 Horse

It is advised to have a painting of evergreen bamboo painting on the eastern wall. It invokes good health, happiness and luck all year round. It is also a symbol of growth in life, wealth and relationships

Buddha Painting can be placed anywhere in your home but living room is the best location .Place the Buddha facing towards the front door to energize the Chi entering the home.




Do you think a painting is just a piece of art meant for decorating your house?

Read And Find Out!!!

We lead hectic lives and are a busy bunch; not realizing how the surroundings influence us but it is a fact that every single object around, has its own energy, aura and vibe –since it invokes feelings (positive and negative), connected to the occupants culture, personal life and likes, wishes and desires too.

Does a painting make a difference?

Paintings and portraits play a vital role in home and office if placed as per vaastu – shastra. In Vaastu, paintings can influence and support energies; bringing in plenty of luck across spheres, such as finance, education, relationships, health, children and social status-quo, amongst many others. A Vaastu painting not only invokes a spark and a touch of elegance to the house, but would bring in positive vibes and energies too.

Paintings in  vaastu and Feng Shui play an important role for your homes and offices – especially when you cannot alter the structure or the colors around. A balance can be attained when the 5 elements (water, metal, earth, wood and fire) are in harmony – Feng Shui paintings can help achieve them all.

How a painting can make a difference? Here are few examples

For money and finance –Paintings such as a 'waterfall', 'Goldfish', 'Flowing River', 'seven horse painting' are symbols of prosperity, career enhancement and good luck. Some even use pictures of 'endless straight paths and roads' – symbolizing plenty of opportunities ahead.

Seven Horse Painting

Seven Horse Painting

For health and well being–  It is advised to have a painting of evergreen bamboo in the eastern sector – the painting invokes good health and happiness all year round.


Relationships – Relationships can be improved using paintings of birds and flowers, hearts, romantic scenes, happy couple photos and more.


 Dos and Don'ts

  1. As per Vaastu and Fengshui , there are some do's and don'ts about paintings that you should keep in mind.
  2. The artwork should invoke vibrant and soothing energy once you look at the picture. Some of the best options are to place the pictures of a group of running horses, sunrise, an ocean, a sea, mountains, waterfalls, gold, laughing Buddha, flowers and laughing children as these photos bring a feeling of peace of mind when you look at them.
  3. Direction in which a painting is placed plays a vital role in imparting the full impact of a painting on the vaastu of your home or office. It is mandatory to have an idea of direction in which a particular painting is placed in vaastu.
  4. Do not place the photos of the departed souls in the pooja rooms as it is considered as inauspicious according to vaastu.
  5. Do not have the photos or pictures or paintings of a crying old woman, war, poverty, depressing pictures, or pictures of people fighting, struggling, angry people, eagles, battle scenes, and carnivorous animals in your home or office
  6. Do not place the photos of Gods in the Bedroom, and any pictures which show death, violence and negative aspects of life in the home or office.

For more details visit: vaastu paintings

Waterfall / Fountain Painting:    Water is an ancient symbol of fengshui wealth and prosperity. Moving water is essential element of fengshui because it brings the energy of water. In fengshui waterfall or fountain paintings bring abundant flow of wealth and good fortune.

You must place water fountain or water feature in your wealth corners- south east, south west and north. In order to attract the flow of money in the house or place of business place feng shui waterfall/ fountain painting in the corners of the corridor or hallway that leads to your home or office.

It is not recommended to place a waterfall or fountain painting in a south direction, as in Feng Shui – it is a zone of your fame and reputation, which is an element – fire. If you put water symbols of Feng Shui in the fire zone, you create a bad feng shui energy and conflict, because the water suppresses the fire. You cannot put waterfall or fountain painting in the bedroom the elements of water can bring the energy of anxiety in the bedroom.

Fish Painting: The fish represents wealth and prosperity because the actual word in Chinese for fish also translates to "abundance". Fish also symbolizes marital happiness, harmony and reproduction because fishes multiply rapidly and sometimes swim in pairs. The two types of fish that are commonly used in Fengshui cure are Koi Fish and Gold Fish. The typical number for Koi fish in a painting isnine (eight brightly colored koi andone black koi fish). The black fish is there to neutralize bad luck. The feng shui numbers rule for the goldfish is the same as for the koi fish. The southeastern corner of your home is the best place to place your fish painting because that area governs your cash flow as well as your creativity or confidence. The north area (north represents water) and living room of the house is another favorable hang the painting of fish. Like waterfall, fish also represents water element so south direction should be avoided.

Bamboo Painting: Bamboo stands for the earth, the greenery of earth and the nourishment provided by the same. It is a tree that nourishes and protects, hence it is a symbol of protection as well as luck. It is good for bringing luck to a house. It is also a symbol of growth in life, wealth and relationships. It is also good for protection against harmful 'chi'. There are no restrictions on where to place the bamboo painting, but one of the best locations to place a lucky bamboo painting is in the east or south sector of your home or office. Never place plants in a bedroom, even if it's a lucky bamboo. This creates too much yang energy and will have an inauspicious effect.

Eight Horse Painting: The horse symbolizes success, loyalty, courage, forward momentum, and endurance. Feng Shui eight horse painting is used to bring fame, recognition and triumph, mobility and promotion, bring steady and speedy growth in fame and success in career and life. It is recommended to hang horse painting in fame area (South), as well as the Career area (North).

It is also said the horses can help cure a struggling business and foster a good reputation. Never Hang Horse Paintings in home and office at the main door facing outside

For more details visit : http://artfactory.in/vastu-feng-shui-collection.html

Waterfall / Fountain Painting:    Water is an ancient symbol of fengshui wealth and prosperity. Moving water is essential element of fengshui because it brings the energy of water. In fengshui waterfall or fountain paintings bring abundant flow of wealth and good fortune.
You must place water fountain or water feature in your wealth corners- south east, south west and north. In order to attract the flow of money in the house or place of business place feng shui waterfall/ fountain painting in the corners of the corridor or hallway that leads to your home or office.
It is not recommended to place a waterfall or fountain painting in a south direction, as in Feng Shui – it is a zone of your fame and reputation, which is an element – fire. If you put water symbols of Feng Shui in the fire zone, you create a bad feng shui energy and conflict, because the water suppresses the fire. You cannot put waterfall or fountain painting in the bedroom the elements of water can bring the energy of anxiety in the bedroom.


Fish Painting: The fish represents wealth and prosperity because the actual word in Chinese for fish also translates to "abundance". Fish also symbolizes marital happiness, harmony and reproduction because fishes multiply rapidly and sometimes swim in pairs. The two types of fish that are commonly used in Fengshui cure are Koi Fish and Gold Fish. The typical number for Koi fish in a painting isnine (eight brightly colored koi andone black koi fish). The black fish is there to neutralize bad luck. The feng shui numbers rule for the goldfish is the same as for the koi fish. The southeastern corner of your home is the best place to place your fish painting because that area governs your cash flow as well as your creativity or confidence. The north area (north represents water) and living room of the house is another favorable hang the painting of fish. Like waterfall, fish also represents water element so south direction should be avoided.

Koi Fish - 3021

Bamboo Painting: Bamboo stands for the earth, the greenery of earth and the nourishment provided by the same. It is a tree that nourishes and protects, hence it is a symbol of protection as well as luck. It is good for bringing luck to a house. It is also a symbol of growth in life, wealth and relationships. It is also good for protection against harmful 'chi'. There are no restrictions on where to place the bamboo painting, but one of the best locations to place a lucky bamboo painting is in the east or south sector of your home or office. Never place plants in a bedroom, even if it's a lucky bamboo. This creates too much yang energy and will have an inauspicious effect.


Eight Horse Painting: The horse symbolizes success, loyalty, courage, forward momentum, and endurance. Feng Shui eight horse painting is used to bring fame, recognition and triumph, mobility and promotion, bring steady and speedy growth in fame and success in career and life. It is recommended to hang horse painting in fame area (South), as well as the Career area (North).
It is also said the horses can help cure a struggling business and foster a good reputation. Never Hang Horse Paintings in home and office at the main door facing outside

8Horse with Blue

For More details visit : Feng Shui Tips

Waterfall Painting In Bedroom

Source: https://canvaspaintingblog.wordpress.com/tag/feng-shui-waterfall-painting/

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